Treat Your Website As Your Product!

We are through those times when websites were just a sidekick to a product launch. 5 social posts talking about it and then, BAM!, let’s forget it existed. Nowadays a company’s website, regardless of the industry, contributes to the success of the product or service. In simple words: It’s an important product in itself.

It’s one of the most valuable marketing tools & can actually make or break your sales conversion rate (really, we mean business!) It’s one place where your users collectively learn about your company & details about the product. Take it for a New-Age Salesman, half the reason why your product will sell. Hence, your website deserves the same level of attention and continuous updates to meet the ever-changing user needs. Here’s why:

<rich-h2>Website Is About Your Brand + Product<rich-h2>

<rich-para>Your website is a medium to tell users your brand story. More so, it is an ultimate way to let user’s connect emotionally with your brand. Have you ever visited a website and got instantly confused? Yes, this happens with a lot of users who can’t differentiate between what the brand is trying to sell or what services they are trying to offer. And trust us, no one wants to buy something they don’t understand. So give good emphasis to your “Homepage” & “About Us” page to create differentiation & leave a strong first impression on curious users.<rich-para>

<rich-h2>Website Needs Upgrades, Just Like Your Product<rich-h2>

<rich-para>A user experiences your product through the website first (even if it’s a physical thing) The look & feel of the website will go on to say alot about your product in the buyer's mind. If your product R&D is a weekly task, your website should be a monthly review. Sites that are not periodically updated & upgraded can be a total user turnoff. Review user fallouts in analytics, understand their mindset & make the necessary tweaks to your website to get the best conversions.<rich-para>

<rich-h2>Website Can Help Conversions - In Engagement & Sales<rich-h2>

<rich-para>Getting users to engage with your website can be tricky because the web is flooded with tons of influential content. Your job is to find out simple ways to make the user interact with your website & gain more than just information and contact details about your brand. Considering the number of options there are to increase engagement on a website, we’ve listed a few out for you:<rich-para>

<rich-list-item>A free E-book download can go a long way to give your audience something for nothing.<rich-list-item>
<rich-list-item>You can use a 3rd Party Email Campaign provider to encourage sign-ups.<rich-list-item>
<rich-list-item>Strategically push your mails with referral links, coupon codes & incentives.<rich-list-item>
<rich-list-item>Use chatbots to resolve instant queries about your product.<rich-list-item>
<rich-list-item last-item>Encourage a social media profile follow for future re-marketing.<rich-list-item last-item>

<rich-h2>Website Is An Experience<rich-h2>

<rich-para>Give your user a wonderful journey. Coz no matter how good your design is, if it’s way too complex for the user to navigate, it won’t help you reach your goal. Keep your UX user-friendly (with a dash of exciting features) & your UI appealing vs overwhelming. Put your user’s needs first!<rich-para>


Remember, your website is the ‘Trailer’ to your product. If the trailer isn’t clear & grasping, imagine how the turnout for the movie will be (Not so good, right?)


We are through those times when websites were just a sidekick to a product launch. 5 social posts talking about it and then, BAM!, let’s forget it existed. Nowadays a company’s website, regardless of the industry, contributes to the success of the product or service. In simple words: It’s an important product in itself.

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