A Good Design Makes A Great Product

As designers, we might get carried away by creating an aesthetically pleasing interface. Giving less importance to usability and focusing more on aesthetics would make your interface look good but would end up creating a bad user experience. Even the most appealing visual interface wouldn’t stop users from falling out, thanks to poorly constructed features and functionality.

A great design is forthrightly a good user experience. An online business with a pleasing interface will give the brand a competitive advantage in an increasingly competitive and evolving environment. Part of good design is being intuitive & predictable which is what you should aim at. 

<rich-h2>Here Are 5 Benefits Of Designing A Product Well:<rich-h2>

<rich-list-item>A Magnet For New Customers<rich-list-item>

<rich-para>A successful design contributes to a positive user experience, which is a competitive advantage. Therefore, it attracts new customers and consequently increases sales.<rich-para>

<rich-list-item>Increase In Customer Engagement & Retention<rich-list-item>

<rich-para>The development of an interface to better navigate and simplify research attracts not only new users but also makes them want to continue their digital experience. (Great design = Loyal customers till the end of line)<rich-para>

<rich-list-item>Low Development Costs<rich-list-item>

<rich-para>A well-designed user interface will avoid rework in the future, which can be heavy on budgets. This could be to correct navigation errors, eliminate non-relevant functions and features, or adjust the design to be accessible and functional.<rich-para>

<rich-list-item>Minimal Customer Support Costs<rich-list-item>

<rich-para>Usually, users express doubts or difficulties when navigating the interface. However, if the interface is intuitive, customer contact with the support service will be less frequent. This way, the company benefits by reducing customer support costs.<rich-para>

<rich-list-item last-item>Enhanced Productivity<rich-list-item last-item>

<rich-para>It’s the combination of the above 4 benefits. For the user, it decreases search time and increases satisfaction, fulfilling his/her needs in a fast and efficient way. And for the brand, it increases sales volume, improves customer loyalty and minimises costs and resources.<rich-para>

<rich-h2>Takeaway: <rich-h2>

<rich-para>A logical & thoroughly researched design keeps user experience at it's a core which makes a product successful in the long run.<rich-para>


As designers, we might get carried away by creating an aesthetically pleasing interface. Giving less importance to usability and focusing more on aesthetics would make your interface look good but would end up creating a bad user experience. Even the most appealing visual interface wouldn’t stop users from falling out, thanks to poorly constructed features and functionality.

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