My Learning Journey At DesignCoz

Hey, this is Aashi here. Nice to e-meet you! Here’s penning down my journey at DesignCoz & sharing learnings that spiked my growth journey.

Coming from a non-design background (Business Management Studies) to learning as much as I could about UX UI, I can say I've come a long way. While working at an HR firm (my very first job) I realized that design was something that caught my attention & wanted to explore at some point in my life. I started spending every spare minute researching & gaining knowledge about UX UI. While I kept feeding my raging passion, it was time to get some hands-on experience.

That’s when I came across a design spot at DesignCoz which was the perfectly timed opportunity. What could be a better platform to learn everything about UX UI than at a UX UI agency? Here’s what I’ve gained through my time at DesignCoz:

<rich-h2>We are always learning<rich-h2>

<rich-para>Since Day 1 (including the interview day), I’ve had something new to learn & reflect on every single day. From gaining knowledge about all things design to brushing up my professional skills, I’ve had endless lessons to feed my design passion. While it may sound cliche, my mind's growth is hard to put in words.<rich-para>

<rich-h2>Remote Working Culture Is Not That Hard<rich-h2>

<rich-para>As a new employee at DesignCoz, I have to admit I was apprehensive about working from home. I was most worried about getting stuck amidst a task & not being able to resolve it on my own. To my surprise, everything has been extremely smooth, despite not having anyone around physically. But virtually every single employee has been just a phone or video call away.<rich-para>

<rich-para>Shoutout to Slack that’s made my task life as smooth as buttercream.<rich-para>

<rich-h2>Team Cooperation Is The Key To A Company’s Success & My Growth<rich-h2>

<rich-para>Through my time with the DesignCoz family, the most comforting thing was how cooperative everyone is whenever anybody makes a mistake or is stuck in a particular project stage. Making mistakes is an inevitable part of any learning experience. My seniors are so supportive that instead of getting disappointed whenever I go off-track, they take the time to point it out specifically & provide solutions on how I can improve it.<rich-para>

All I can say is, that no matter where you chose to work, if you’re surrounded with the right guidance & inspiration, the sky's the limit.


Hey, this is Aashi here. Nice to e-meet you! Here’s penning down my journey at DesignCoz & sharing learnings that spiked my growth journey.

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