3 Things to Keep in Mind Before Executing a Design Project

Every project should have a Plan! To execute a project from Point A to Point B with minimum roadblocks & maximum smooth runs, you must ensure that everything is detailed out efficiently before you get your hands busy.

While you may think your plan is textbook perfect (*Pop*...Bubble burst) as soon as you dive into the execution phase, you may face challenges beyond the scope of the project. To ensure that your project reaches a finish line wherein you deliver quality output, here are a few things you need to keep in mind before you start to execute the next design project:

<rich-h2>Plan Your Project Timeline Well In Advance<rich-h2>
<rich-h3>It’s a list that gives you an overview of:<rich-h3>

<rich-list-item>Task you’ve completed<rich-list-item>
<rich-list-item>Task in Progress<rich-list-item>
<rich-list-item last-item>Task to be aligned in the future<rich-list-item last-item>

Thereby giving your project a defined deadline. It will also help you evaluate easier tasks that can be tackled first as well as help you prioritize jobs with dependencies for great time management. Timelines will help your project stay on track & help pick up the pace so that everything from execution upto feedback executes smoothly.

<rich-h2>Inter, Intra & Client Coordinations Are Key<rich-h2>

<rich-para>To have an effective project execution, it is essential to always communicate any major decisions/changes clearly with your clients & your team members via email. This will help you eliminate unnecessary last-minute changes and rework any designs. Further, to keep changes minimal, it is always a smart move to get buy-ins or references instead of designing everything from scratch (a total time saver). The idea is to keep the impact minimal if the change is crucial.<rich-para>

<rich-h2>Indulge in Self-Awareness Activities<rich-h2>

<rich-para>While project planning & execution can be stressful at times, it is advisable to indulge yourself in activities that will help you free up your mind's space. For example: Picking a hobby outside of design, maintaining a to-do list, approaching a challenge with a calm mind & most importantly, asking for help when required (keep no shame, even if you’re the boss). If you are a leader of a particular project, make sure you retrospect your projects with the team and discuss the challenges along with your small wins at every step of the execution phase.<rich-para>


The key to ace a project execution phase is to plan it well & tackle as many roadblocks as you can to ensure a smooth ride. Remember, mistakes will happen,challenges will surprise you, but how you deal with them matters the most.


Every project should have a Plan! To execute a project from Point A to Point B with minimum roadblocks & maximum smooth runs, you must ensure that everything is detailed out efficiently before you get your hands busy.

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